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Each leap challenges our limits and brings new insights. Breaking free from constraints, we step out of our comfort zones, embracing vitality and exploring the unknown with determination. Leap to new heights and unleash your inner... strength to ignite creativity and discover new possibilities. Let life continuously break through its limits and excel with each leap forward. As we journey along, we quietly capture the essence of an era. Connecting dots to create endless possibilities, we set out with the intention to refine and redefine from the heart. Carving a path with steady steps, we build momentum to drive deep cultivation. Ripples among people create resonant waves that ignite passion and allow us to shine brightly. As we unlearn and relearn, we must never waste the prime of life. After a brief pause, we reset and move ahead again, rediscovering balance, and stepping forward into a new era.Show More
Find upcoming & exciting Adventures organized by TEDxPetalingStreet here!

子宫内膜异位症(Endometriosis)是一种慢性疾病,患者会感到下腹剧烈疼痛,尤其是月经期间。全球大约10%(1.9亿)的育龄妇女和女童受此病痛影响。 这病症不止影响日常生活,甚至会导致病人难以怀孕,子宫内膜异位症可从第一次月经开始,一直持续到绝经。子宫内膜异位症的病因不明,尚无已知的治愈方法,治疗通常以控制症状为目标。 TEDxPetalingStreet Adventure本次将再次带领民众走进医院,多了解医学知识。活动当天还会有免费检测血糖、血脂、心律和乳房检测,甚至会送出限量体检优惠券,切勿错过!